Analyse the nurse’s role in promoting health and wellbeing for individuals, families and communities who have chronic conditions and /or complex care needs

Analyse the nurse’s role in promoting health and wellbeing for individuals, families and communities who have chronic conditions and /or complex care needs


Your task is to identify and justify the health promotion needs of Mrs Ruby Pascal.


You are a registered nurse, working on a medical word. You are caring for Mrs Ruby Pascal on an early shift. Mrs Pascal has a history of poorly self-managed type 2 diabetes and a general anxiety disorder which has been worsening of late due to personal concerns. Your task for this piece of assessment is in 2 steps.

1. Health promotion plan

Using the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (CRC) HealthPromotion Template, critically analyse the Ruby Pascal case study and develop a Health Promotion Plan. (Both the CRC and the Ruby Pascal case study can be found on the Assessment 1 page on the Blackboard site). This plan should clearly show:

• All Health Promotion related assessment data.

• 3 priority Health Promotion problems (please number them clearly) with one goal for each problem (ie. 3 separate goals).

• List up to 3 nursing focused Health Promotion interventions for each of the identified priority Health Promotion problems. (Please note if you include referrals as part of your intervention, it must be very clear what your roles and responsibilities are to support the referral and the ongoing intervention).

• Evaluation criteria which measures the effectiveness of the selected interventions.

• Reflective points that show what you have learnt from this activity

2. Essay

Using contemporary literature and drawing from the Health Promotion Plan, justify one or two of the interventions and health promotion strategies that you have chosen for each of the 3 identified problems.

Explain how the evaluation criteria will inform the effectiveness of the intervention to meet the person’s health needs.

Learning Outcomes.

1. Analyse the nurse’s role in promoting health and wellbeing for individuals, families and communities who have chronic conditions and /or complex care needs.

2. Critically analyse individual, community, environmental and social factors that influence health beliefs and practice and strategies for promoting positive health behaviours

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