White matter abnormalities in patients with OCD

White matter abnormalities in patients with OCD


In the brains of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), white matter abnormalities are present. White matter is the part of the brain that consists of myelinated axons, and can be found in the cerebrum and the cerebellum. The white matter abnormalities in OCD patients are widespread, affecting both gray matter and white matter. This is a serious problem for patients with OCD because their symptoms stem from overthinking and overanalyzing things, which is probably caused by not having enough white matter to connect various regions of their brains together.


Normally, people have more white matter than gray matter in their brains. In OCD patients, however, it’s almost exactly the opposite: they have less white matter and more gray matter than normal people. This means that there aren’t as many neural pathways connecting all the parts of the brain that handle things like memory, decision making, and processing sensory information. When there’s not enough connectivity between these different brain regions, people have trouble filtering out unnecessary or repetitive thoughts, which leads to extreme anxiety over simple everyday tasks.




White matter abnormalities in patients with OCD

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