What is Florence Nightingale’s theory, mission, vision, and purpose?

What is Florence Nightingale’s theory, mission, vision, and purpose?


Because she believed that a healthy environment was vital for healing, Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory is based on five elements that she believed were necessary for achieving a healthy dwelling, such as clean water and air, basic sanitation, cleanliness, and light.

Nightingale made it her mission to improve hygienic practices, which resulted in a significant reduction in hospital mortality. Her health took a hit as a result of her toil. When the most difficult task of her nursing career arose, she had only just begun to recover.

Florence Nightingale envisioned hospitals designed to provide compassionate and effective patient care. She was the first nurse administrator and possesses outstanding leadership skills.

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What is Florence Nightingale’s theory, mission, vision, and purpose?

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