What are the key features of the Criminal Code Act (1995 – Commonwealth) and the Crimes Act (1958 – Victoria)

What are the key features of the Criminal Code Act (1995 – Commonwealth) and the Crimes Act (1958 – Victoria)

Access the “Fact sheet: Professional indemnity insurance arrangements” and Registration Standards through the NMBA.

Describe the insurance you are required to hold as an enrolled nurse (division 2).

Q2-Describe the role that the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia has in regulating the nursing profession:

Q3- Describe the intent of the Commonwealth Aged Care Act (1997)
Define the following ethical terms:
•         Ethics
•         Bioethics
•         Nursing ethics
Choose two of the following ethical theories and describe how you can apply them in your practice as a nurse:
•         Consequentialism
•         Deontology
•         Ethical Relativism
•         Utilitarianism theory
•         Teleology
•         Virtue ethics
•         Justice and equity
Q7-The following are considered to be ethical issues in Health Care, particularly in enrolled nursing practice. For each, describe the ethical dilemma and what makes the issue an ethical issue
Q8Carers make a substantial contribution to the wellbeing of the broader community. Describe the purpose of the Carers Recognition Act (2012) in Victoria.

What are three penalties you may face as a nurse for not adhering to legal and ethical principles associated with your role?

Summarise how the Victorian Drugs and Poisons legislation applies:

Q11- As a nurse, you will be required at times to work with children.

a)    What legislation or regulations must you follow when working with children

b)    What are three of the key considerations you need to make when working with children in your practice?

Q12- It is important to obtain informed consent from your clients wherever possible. Describe what informed consent is in your own words

Q13- When handling client records, what do you need to do in order to remain compliant with

•         The Privacy Act (1988) and National Privacy Principles (2014)

•         The Health Records Act (2012 – Commonwealth and 2001 – Victoria)

Please include at least five points in your response.

Q14- List the Commonwealth laws that are in place to protect people from discrimination. What can you do to ensure that these laws are upheld in your practice?

Q15- List the 10 National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards?
Why were these standards developed?

Q16- Research and provide two examples of ethical decision making models, describing how they are applied in a nursing context:
(e.g. The five step model)

Q17- Describe the purpose of the Mental Health Act (2014) in Victoria?

Q18- You are nursing an elderly woman who confides in you that she is scared of her daughter, who visits sometimes to have her mother fill in paperwork. You have seen their interactions and the daughter seems very kind and patient with her mother. Your client tells you that her daughter forces her to fill out and sign financial forms for her. Then she shows you bruises on her arms and tells you that her daughter grabbed her arm and threatened to break it.

What should you do?

What if the client was a child and you noticed they were covered in bruises and burn marks but didn’t tell you what had happened?

Q19- What are the key features of the Criminal Code Act (1995 – Commonwealth) and the Crimes Act (1958 – Victoria)

How do these apply to you as an enrolled nurse?

Q20- The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia publishes the Social Media Policy for Health Care Workers.

Describe the key features of this policy and how it governs ethical and professional use of social media by nurses:

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