Ways of detecting early-stage dementia

Ways of detecting early-stage dementia



The best way to detect early-stage dementia is by noticing changes in behavior.

For example, if your loved one is forgetting to eat or has trouble following the plot of a movie, you should consult a doctor.

Early-stage dementia can also be detected if your loved one is having trouble remembering old memories, or can’t remember what they did yesterday. It’s important to realize that these signs could be caused by something else, like a simple case of the flu.

If your loved one is having problems with memory and motor skills, like not being able to write their name the same way twice in a row, you should definitely get them checked out.

Lastly, there are some early-stage signs of dementia that are easy to miss. If your loved one has trouble finding their way around familiar places like their home or workplace, it could be an early-stage sign of dementia.




Ways of detecting early-stage dementia

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