Variety of Psychological Disorders

Variety of Psychological Disorders 

My key intervention is having psychology group round with the critical care physicians. This would be the main intervention that would potentially cascade into other positive changes in the critical care setting. It has been well documented that patients in the ICU experience prolonged mental health problems, including cognitive deficits and distress (Hosey, et al., 2019). If referrals to psychology happen early then they can start therapies before discharge and be referred to continue therapy after discharge. Hosey, et al. studied referral types over a 10 month period at just one day a week in the critical care unit and found that they attended to a variety of psychological disorders. About one third of all referrals had a pre-existing mental health diagnosis (Hosey, et al., 2019). If continuing this trend, as the hospital in this study is similar to the hospital I work in, then we could potentially reduce stays of nearly one third of our patients if we referred early and often.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

Often we do not think of psychology as a needed piece for health in critical care. We try to fix the acute health episode but forgo the mental health aspect of a critical care stay. Many studies are available on what benefits come from having a practitioner available but not many are done on actual practice in the ICU. Stucky, et al. surveyed a small group that have direct interaction in critical care and emergency settings and found many of those that worked full time in these settings considered themselves rehabilitation psychologists (2016). If we treated this as part of the recovery process then maybe we could lower the percentage of those with continuing mental health issues over a year after their stay. This could potentially contribute to increasing the number of people that are back to baseline and enjoy being part of their community.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

Discussion 2:

The leading cause of injury among Americans 65 years old and older is falls (West, 2018). The injuries can be deadly or may cause injury to patient but not be life threatening. A fatal fall or a fall resulting in injury can be detrimental to patient’s health and financial situations. Multiple different interventions can be put into place to decrease the change of a patient falls. A nurse must do their part to implement these interventions and then the patient must be compliant.

If a nurse implements all necessary fall protocols but never educated the patient, what is the point. In an article in, Nursing 2020, one facility that worked to reduce falls noticed a discrepancy where 75% of patients that fell had fall risk interventions in place but fall risk education with patients was inconsistent (Gordon, 2018). Standardized communication should be used and provided to each patient. If patients are more aware of why they are at risk for falls and what interventions are being made to counteract each one of those risks, then patients will hopefully feel more responsible. Tailor interventions for patient safety or TIPS should be implemented (Dykes, 2017). These interventions should be specifically implemented so the appropriate interventions are put into place and the patient is made aware of those interventions.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

Mental disorders, in particular their consequences and their treatment, are of more concern and receive more attention now than in the past. Mental disorders have become a more prominent subject of attention for several reasons. They have always been common, but, with the eradication or successful treatment of many of the serious physical illnesses that formerly afflicted humans, mental illness has become a more noticeable cause of suffering and accounts for a higher proportion of those disabled by disease. Moreover, the public has come to expect the medical and mental health professions to help it obtain an improved quality of life in its mental as well as physical functioning. And indeed, there has been a proliferation of both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments. The transfer of many psychiatric patients, some still showing conspicuous symptoms, from mental hospitals into the community has also increased the public’s awareness of the importance and prevalence of mental illness.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

There is no simple definition of mental disorder that is universally satisfactory. This is partly because mental states or behaviour that are viewed as abnormal in one culture may be regarded as normal or acceptable in another, and in any case it is difficult to draw a line clearly demarcating healthy from abnormal mental functioning.

A narrow definition of mental illness would insist upon the presence of organic disease of the brain, either structural or biochemical. An overly broad definition would define mental illness as simply being the lack or absence of mental health—that is to say, a condition of mental well-being, balance, and resilience in which the individual can successfully work and function and in which the individual can both withstand and learn to cope with the conflicts and stresses encountered in life. A more generally useful definition ascribes mental disorder to psychological, social, biochemical, or genetic dysfunctions or disturbances in the individual.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

A mental illness can have an effect on every aspect of a person’s life, including thinking, feeling, mood, and outlook and such areas of external activity as family and marital life, sexual activity, work, recreation, and management of material affairs. Most mental disorders negatively affect how individuals feel about themselves and impair their capacity for participating in mutually rewarding relationships.

A discussion of the advances made in psychiatric research and treatment.
HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
See all videos for this article
Psychopathology is the systematic study of the significant causes, processes, and symptomatic manifestations of mental disorders. The meticulous study, observation, and inquiry that characterize the discipline of psychopathology are, in turn, the basis for the practice of psychiatry (i.e., the science and practice of diagnosing and treating mental disorders as well as dealing with their prevention). Psychiatry, psychology, and related disciplines such as clinical psychology and counseling embrace a wide spectrum of techniques and approaches for treating mental illnesses. These include the use of psychoactive drugs to correct biochemical imbalances in the brain or otherwise to relieve depression, anxiety, and other painful emotional states.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

psychiatric disorder
psychiatric disorder
A discussion of psychiatric (mental) disorders and the stigma often attached to them.
HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
See all videos for this article
Another important group of treatments is the psychotherapies, which seek to treat mental disorders by psychological means and which involve verbal communication between the patient and a trained person in the context of a therapeutic interpersonal relationship between them. Different modes of psychotherapy focus variously on emotional experience, cognitive processing, and overt behaviour.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

This article discusses the types, causes, and treatment of mental disorders. Neurological diseases (see neurology) with behavioral manifestations are treated in nervous system disease. Alcoholism and other substance use disorders are discussed in alcoholism and drug use. Disorders of sexual functioning and behaviour are treated in sexual behaviour, human. Tests used to evaluate mental health and functioning are discussed in psychological testing. The various theories of personality structure and dynamics are treated in personality, while human emotion and motivation are discussed in emotion and motivation. See also personality disorder; psychopharmacology; psychotherapy.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

Learn More!

Mental disorder
Eleanor Clarke Slagle
Michel Foucault
Emil Kraepelin
Pierre Janet
Philippe Pinel
Isaac Newton Kerlin
Benedict Augustin Morel
Asclepiades Of Bithynia
Jean-Étienne-Dominique Esquirol
Human disease
Human behaviour
Memory abnormality
Alzheimer disease
Mental hygiene
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Types And Causes Of Mental Disorders
Classification and epidemiology
Psychiatric classification attempts to bring order to the enormous diversity of mental symptoms, syndromes, and illnesses that are encountered in clinical practice. Epidemiology is the measurement of the prevalence, or frequency of occurren Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

5 Types of Mental Illness was last updated May 4, 2016

Mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling, and behavior. The mainstream medical community recognizes more than 200 classified types of mental illness.

These conditions can alter your ability to relate to other people, work, and attend school, and can prevent you from living a normal life. Different types of mental illness offer different experiences, and symptoms may vary from person-to-person, even when they share the same diagnosis.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay


There are five major categories of mental illnesses:

Anxiety disorders
Mood disorders
Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders
Eating disorders
It’s important to remember that each condition can vary greatly from person to person.

Stigma and mental illness
When you’re concerned about your mental health or that or that of a loved on, you should talk to a qualified health care provider. Many people with mental illness may feel stigmatized for their condition, but treatment for these disorders has come a long way. Mental illness requires the same need for treatment as many physical ailments.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

Anxiety disorders are a form of mental illness that causes people to experience distressing and frequent bouts of fear and apprehension. Many will experience these feelings when periodically doing things like public speaking or a job interview. Those with anxiety disorders experience these feelings frequently, and for an extended period — six months or more.

If not treated, these symptoms can worsen and increase, including:

Panic attacks
Physical symptoms such as pain, nausea and headaches
Obsessive thoughts
Fear of leaving the house
Common diagnosis of mental illness, under the category of anxiety disorders, includes:Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

Panic disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Social phobia (social anxiety disorder)
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Mood Disorders
Every one of us has experienced feelings of sadness, irritability, or a general case of the “blahs” at one time or another.

While bad moods are common, and usually pass in a short period, people suffering with mood disorders live with more sustained and severe symptoms and disruption. People living with this mental illness find that their mood impacts both mental and psychological well-being, nearly every day, and often for much of the day.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

It is estimated that one in 10 adults suffer from some type of mood disorder, with the most common conditions being depression and bipolar disorder. With proper diagnosis and treatment, most of those living with mood disorders lead healthy, normal and productive lives. If left untreated, this illness can affect role functioning, quality of life and many chronic physical health disorders such as diabetes and heart disease.

Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders
Schizophrenia is a serious brain disorder that is marked by significant changes and disruption in both cognitive and emotional function. Schizophrenia has an effect on the most basic human aspects of life (e.g. language/communication, train of thought, perception of objects, self and others).Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

The most common symptoms of schizophrenia include:

Hearing voices
Social withdrawal
Incoherent speech
Abnormal reasoning
Dementia is distinguished by a disruption of consciousness, as well as changes in cognitive health, such as memory loss and motor skills.

The most common forms of dementia include:

Alzheimer’s disease
Health conditions (e.g., head trauma, HIV, Parkinson’s); and
Substance-induced dementia (e.g. drugs/alcohol abuse, inhalants, or exposure to toxins).
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are serious, chronic conditions that can be life-threatening, if left untreated. These conditions typically take root during the adolescent years and primarily affect females.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

While there are variations in the expression, symptoms, and course of eating disorders, the common thread is that they all involve obsessive and sometimes distressing thoughts and behaviors, including:

Reduction of food intake
Feelings of depression or distress
Concern of weight, body shape, poor self-image
At the onset, these disorders begin with the person eating smaller or larger portions than usual. However, over time, urges to decrease or increase the amount of food eaten take hold, and the illness escalates. The three most common types of eating disorders are:

Anorexia Nervosa – self-starvation
Bulimia Nervosa – binge eating followed by purging, fasting or excessive exercise
Binge Eating Disorder – episodes of uncontrolled eating, without the abuse of laxatives or vomiting, associated bulimia
RELATED: Identifying and Treating Eating Disorders Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that more than 45 million Americans have a mental illness in any given year, with only about half seeking treatment. While the majority of us will have concerns about our mental well-being from time to time, mental illness is diagnosed when there are ongoing and increasing signs and symptoms begin to cause continual stress and impact our quality of life and our ability to function. Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

This would be the main intervention that would potentially cascade into other positive changes in the critical care setting. It has been well documented that patients in the ICU experience prolonged mental health problems, including cognitive deficits and distress (Hosey, et al., 2019). If referrals to psychology happen early then they can start therapies before discharge and be referred to continue therapy after discharge. Hosey, et al. studied referral types over a 10 month period at just one day a week in the critical care unit and found that they attended to a variety of psychological disorders. About one third of all referrals had a pre-existing mental health diagnosis (Hosey, et al., 2019). If continuing this trend, as the hospital in this study is similar to the hospital I work in, then we could potentially reduce stays of nearly one third of our patients if we referred early and often.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

Often we do not think of psychology as a needed piece for health in critical care. We try to fix the acute health episode but forgo the mental health aspect of a critical care stay. Many studies are available on what benefits come from having a practitioner available but not many are done on actual practice in the ICU. Stucky, et al. surveyed a small group that have direct interaction in critical care and emergency settings and found many of those that worked full time in these settings considered themselves rehabilitation psychologists (2016). If we treated this as part of the recovery process then maybe we could lower the percentage of those with continuing mental health issues over a year after their stay. This could potentially contribute to increasing the number of people that are back to baseline and enjoy being part of their community.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

Discussion 2:

The leading cause of injury among Americans 65 years old and older is falls (West, 2018). The injuries can be deadly or may cause injury to patient but not be life threatening. A fatal fall or a fall resulting in injury can be detrimental to patient’s health and financial situations. Multiple different interventions can be put into place to decrease the change of a patient falls. A nurse must do their part to implement these interventions and then the patient must be compliant.

If a nurse implements all necessary fall protocols but never educated the patient, what is the point. In an article in, Nursing 2020, one facility that worked to reduce falls noticed a discrepancy where 75% of patients that fell had fall risk interventions in place but fall risk education with patients was inconsistent (Gordon, 2018). Standardized communication should be used and provided to each patient. If patients are more aware of why they are at risk for falls and what interventions are being made to counteract each one of those risks, then patients will hopefully feel more responsible. Tailor interventions for patient safety or TIPS should be implemented (Dykes, 2017). These interventions should be specifically implemented so the appropriate interventions are put into place and the patient is made aware of those interventions.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

Mental disorders, in particular their consequences and their treatment, are of more concern and receive more attention now than in the past. Mental disorders have become a more prominent subject of attention for several reasons. They have always been common, but, with the eradication or successful treatment of many of the serious physical illnesses that formerly afflicted humans, mental illness has become a more noticeable cause of suffering and accounts for a higher proportion of those disabled by disease. Moreover, the public has come to expect the medical and mental health professions to help it obtain an improved quality of life in its mental as well as physical functioning. And indeed, there has been a proliferation of both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments. The transfer of many psychiatric patients, some still showing conspicuous symptoms, from mental hospitals into the community has also increased the public’s awareness of the importance and prevalence of mental illness.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

There is no simple definition of mental disorder that is universally satisfactory. This is partly because mental states or behaviour that are viewed as abnormal in one culture may be regarded as normal or acceptable in another, and in any case it is difficult to draw a line clearly demarcating healthy from abnormal mental functioning.

A narrow definition of mental illness would insist upon the presence of organic disease of the brain, either structural or biochemical. An overly broad definition would define mental illness as simply being the lack or absence of mental health—that is to say, a condition of mental well-being, balance, and resilience in which the individual can successfully work and function and in which the individual can both withstand and learn to cope with the conflicts and stresses encountered in life. A more generally useful definition ascribes mental disorder to psychological, social, biochemical, or genetic dysfunctions or disturbances in the individual.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

A mental illness can have an effect on every aspect of a person’s life, including thinking, feeling, mood, and outlook and such areas of external activity as family and marital life, sexual activity, work, recreation, and management of material affairs. Most mental disorders negatively affect how individuals feel about themselves and impair their capacity for participating in mutually rewarding relationships.

A discussion of the advances made in psychiatric research and treatment.
HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
See all videos for this article
Psychopathology is the systematic study of the significant causes, processes, and symptomatic manifestations of mental disorders. The meticulous study, observation, and inquiry that characterize the discipline of psychopathology are, in turn, the basis for the practice of psychiatry (i.e., the science and practice of diagnosing and treating mental disorders as well as dealing with their prevention). Psychiatry, psychology, and related disciplines such as clinical psychology and counseling embrace a wide spectrum of techniques and approaches for treating mental illnesses. These include the use of psychoactive drugs to correct biochemical imbalances in the brain or otherwise to relieve depression, anxiety, and other painful emotional states.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

psychiatric disorder
psychiatric disorder
A discussion of psychiatric (mental) disorders and the stigma often attached to them.
HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
See all videos for this article
Another important group of treatments is the psychotherapies, which seek to treat mental disorders by psychological means and which involve verbal communication between the patient and a trained person in the context of a therapeutic interpersonal relationship between them. Different modes of psychotherapy focus variously on emotional experience, cognitive processing, and overt behaviour.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

This article discusses the types, causes, and treatment of mental disorders. Neurological diseases (see neurology) with behavioral manifestations are treated in nervous system disease. Alcoholism and other substance use disorders are discussed in alcoholism and drug use. Disorders of sexual functioning and behaviour are treated in sexual behaviour, human. Tests used to evaluate mental health and functioning are discussed in psychological testing. The various theories of personality structure and dynamics are treated in personality, while human emotion and motivation are discussed in emotion and motivation. See also personality disorder; psychopharmacology; psychotherapy.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

Learn More!

Mental disorder
Eleanor Clarke Slagle
Michel Foucault
Emil Kraepelin
Pierre Janet
Philippe Pinel
Isaac Newton Kerlin
Benedict Augustin Morel
Asclepiades Of Bithynia
Jean-Étienne-Dominique Esquirol
Human disease
Human behaviour
Memory abnormality
Alzheimer disease
Mental hygiene
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Types And Causes Of Mental Disorders
Classification and epidemiology
Psychiatric classification attempts to bring order to the enormous diversity of mental symptoms, syndromes, and illnesses that are encountered in clinical practice. Epidemiology is the measurement of the prevalence, or frequency of occurren Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

5 Types of Mental Illness was last updated May 4, 2016

Mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling, and behavior. The mainstream medical community recognizes more than 200 classified types of mental illness.

These conditions can alter your ability to relate to other people, work, and attend school, and can prevent you from living a normal life. Different types of mental illness offer different experiences, and symptoms may vary from person-to-person, even when they share the same diagnosis.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay


There are five major categories of mental illnesses:

Anxiety disorders
Mood disorders
Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders
Eating disorders
It’s important to remember that each condition can vary greatly from person to person.

Stigma and mental illness
When you’re concerned about your mental health or that or that of a loved on, you should talk to a qualified health care provider. Many people with mental illness may feel stigmatized for their condition, but treatment for these disorders has come a long way. Mental illness requires the same need for treatment as many physical ailments.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

Anxiety disorders are a form of mental illness that causes people to experience distressing and frequent bouts of fear and apprehension. Many will experience these feelings when periodically doing things like public speaking or a job interview. Those with anxiety disorders experience these feelings frequently, and for an extended period — six months or more.

If not treated, these symptoms can worsen and increase, including:

Panic attacks
Physical symptoms such as pain, nausea and headaches
Obsessive thoughts
Fear of leaving the house
Common diagnosis of mental illness, under the category of anxiety disorders, includes:Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

Panic disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Social phobia (social anxiety disorder)
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Mood Disorders
Every one of us has experienced feelings of sadness, irritability, or a general case of the “blahs” at one time or another.

While bad moods are common, and usually pass in a short period, people suffering with mood disorders live with more sustained and severe symptoms and disruption. People living with this mental illness find that their mood impacts both mental and psychological well-being, nearly every day, and often for much of the day.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

It is estimated that one in 10 adults suffer from some type of mood disorder, with the most common conditions being depression and bipolar disorder. With proper diagnosis and treatment, most of those living with mood disorders lead healthy, normal and productive lives. If left untreated, this illness can affect role functioning, quality of life and many chronic physical health disorders such as diabetes and heart disease.

Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders
Schizophrenia is a serious brain disorder that is marked by significant changes and disruption in both cognitive and emotional function. Schizophrenia has an effect on the most basic human aspects of life (e.g. language/communication, train of thought, perception of objects, self and others).Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

The most common symptoms of schizophrenia include:

Hearing voices
Social withdrawal
Incoherent speech
Abnormal reasoning
Dementia is distinguished by a disruption of consciousness, as well as changes in cognitive health, such as memory loss and motor skills.

The most common forms of dementia include:

Alzheimer’s disease
Health conditions (e.g., head trauma, HIV, Parkinson’s); and
Substance-induced dementia (e.g. drugs/alcohol abuse, inhalants, or exposure to toxins).
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are serious, chronic conditions that can be life-threatening, if left untreated. These conditions typically take root during the adolescent years and primarily affect females.Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

While there are variations in the expression, symptoms, and course of eating disorders, the common thread is that they all involve obsessive and sometimes distressing thoughts and behaviors, including:

Reduction of food intake
Feelings of depression or distress
Concern of weight, body shape, poor self-image
At the onset, these disorders begin with the person eating smaller or larger portions than usual. However, over time, urges to decrease or increase the amount of food eaten take hold, and the illness escalates. The three most common types of eating disorders are:

Anorexia Nervosa – self-starvation
Bulimia Nervosa – binge eating followed by purging, fasting or excessive exercise
Binge Eating Disorder – episodes of uncontrolled eating, without the abuse of laxatives or vomiting, associated bulimia
RELATED: Identifying and Treating Eating Disorders Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that more than 45 million Americans have a mental illness in any given year, with only about half seeking treatment. While the majority of us will have concerns about our mental well-being from time to time, mental illness is diagnosed when there are ongoing and increasing signs and symptoms begin to cause continual stress and impact our quality of life and our ability to function. Variety of Psychological Disorders Essay

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