Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring


Therapeutic Drug Monitoring


Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Definition:

Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is testing that measures the amount of certain medicines in your blood. It is done to make sure the amount of medicine you are taking is both safe and effective.

Answer: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Drug absorption, distribution, activity, metabolism, and excretion can all change as people get older. The elderly are more likely to experience side effects and have difficulty following their prescription.

Changes in medication absorption for most medicines are clinically modest, despite an age-related decrease in small-bowel surface area, delayed gastric emptying, and a rise in stomach pH.

The number of persons at danger of developing life-threatening hyperkalaemia is expected to rise as the use of potassium-raising medications increases.

Patients with impaired renal potassium excretion due to renal disease, especially those taking angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, potassium-sparing diuretics, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, should be warned by their doctors and dieticians about the risk of hyperkalaemia. The use of potassium-containing salt replacements by patients should be inquired about by prescribers of these drugs. For potassium-containing salt substitutes, more specific warnings should be given in the package labeling. (JOURNAL OF THE NCB)

Question: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

  1. Therapeutic drug monitoring is a frequent practice in health care. How does age affect drug absorption, metabolization and excretion?
  2. The use of salt substitutes can cause hyperkalemia in older adults when use in conjunction with what types of drugs?
  3. Describe how you would prevent and evaluate risk factors for medication nonadherence in older adults?


NCB JOURNAL on Danger of salt substitutes that contain potassium in patients with renal failure –

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