The inherent desire to deeply care for others can put nurses at risk of compassion fatigue and burnout, which can also affect patients and organizations.

“The inherent desire to deeply care for others can put nurses at risk of compassion fatigue and burnout, which can also affect patients and organizations.” From Self-care and YOU: Caring for the Caregiver. ANA You Series: Skills for Success.




As you reflect on this statement and your role as a caregiver, determine if you agree or disagree. Describe personal experiences of secondary burnout in yourself or others and how you noticed that you were experiencing secondary trauma. What did you do to overcome compassion fatigue and/or burnout?




Please submit at least a paragraph (5 sentences) with correct spelling/grammar.


See Rubric for grading. NOTE; a zero (0) will be assigned for any of the four criteria where none of the criteria were met.



Free form comments Reflection Journal Rubric RNBS 4309

Free form comments Reflection Journal Rubric RNBS 4309

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent, Feelings, and Thoughts

All or almost all of the entry has a connection to the question prompt. Personal reflection of feelings and thoughts are revealed in the entry.

90 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics

All or almost all of the entries have correct spelling and grammar. 5 sentences minimum included. Timely submission.

10 pts

Total Points: 100

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