The Genomic Issues inherent in Pneumonia Process

The Genomic Issues inherent in Pneumonia Process


It is now well accepted that some occurrences of pneumonia are caused by hereditary factors and associated abnormalities in DNA. Genetic variables have been linked to a variety of processes and patterns including “interstitial inflammation, interstitial fibrosis, and alveolar filling” in a study examining restrictive pulmonary disorders and interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), which are a set of lung pathologic illnesses (Pouladi, Bime, Garcia, & Lussier, 2016, p. 29).

Nonetheless, idiopathic interstitial is important to recognize when no clear explanation can be found. ILDs are seen as a restrictive ventilatory and a gas transfer problem from a physiological standpoint (Pouladi et al., 2016). The constituents of the microbiome found in the upper and lower respiratory tracts have been suspected to be altered by genetic factors, and results show disease progression in patients with altered upper and lower airway microbiota, with possible interactions between a bacterial signature, from within the Staphylococcus and Streptococcus genera (Pouladi et al., 2016). While progress has been made, more work is expected to advance the understanding concerning the genetic determinants of pneumonia and chromatin modification patterns.


what are  the Genomic Issues inherent in Pneumonia Process?


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