Taking care of children with congenital heart disease: psychological issues

Taking care of children with congenital heart disease: psychological issues



For parents of children with congenital heart disease, raising a child who is chronically ill is stressful. The constant worry of whether or not their child will be okay can lead to depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Children with congenital heart disease are often born prematurely, which can lead to developmental delays. In addition, they may need multiple surgeries throughout their lives and have to take medications that cause side effects.

The emotional needs of these children must be met in order for them to thrive. Parents may need help learning how to manage their emotions while caring for their child’s health needs as well as their own.

There are many ways that parents can find support for themselves and their children:

– Talking with other parents who have experience with raising children with congenital heart disease

– Talking with a mental health professional about your concerns and coping strategies

– Joining an online support group where you can connect with other parents going through similar experiences


Taking care of children with congenital heart disease: psychological issues

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