Summative Assessment: Leadership Project


Setting- The description of the setting where the change will take place (ex. Clinical insurance, home health, or public and community) was thorough

Affected Individuals- The explanation of who is affected was clear.

Implementation Plan- The draft implementation plan was innovative and included a thorough summary of each article to explain how the gathered evidence will help address the change topic.

Research Support- The explanation of how the information in the research would be used to carry out the change was thorough.

Innovations- The presentation included a comprehensive discussion of 10 innovative ways to include leadership within daily activities.

Sources- The student cited a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles directly related to addressing the change topic

Speaker Notes- The presentation included detailed speaker notes for each slide

Writing- The leadership change project was concise, with exceptional attention to detail, and was free of errors.

APA Guidelines- The leadership change project was properly formatted according to APA guidelines, and it included correct APA citations for all sources.

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