Summarise the significance of the strategies and the rationale and implications for you as a graduate in clinical practice

Summarise the significance of the strategies and the rationale and implications

for you as a graduate in clinical practice

In this assignment, you will investigate and collate information to present in the form of a

presentation and essay relating to a contemporary professional practice issue that has the

potential to impact on the transition process into the role of a registered nurse in clinical

practice. You will draw on relevant, credible literature to support your strategies in the format of

a presentation and associated essay.

For this assignment, you will apply and contextualise knowledge and understanding of

professional nursing issues in clinical practice.

You must choose one question relating to professional nursing issues from the following list:

As a graduate RN:

1. An RN you work with shares with you that a peer graduate RN has posted on Instagram

comments relating to a difficult patient being cared for on the unit you both work. She

knows you are friends with this person and asks you to discuss their professional

responsibility with them. Share the ethical principles that are present in this situation and

how you would professionally address these with your peer graduate RN?

2. As a graduate registered nurse, a patient asks you to recommend an ‘App’ for them to

learn more about their medical condition. How do you utilise best practice evidence

through technology to better inform patients about appropriate education materials?

Your assignment is required to be developed in the style of a presentation with audio and an

associated essay for submission.

 Review the literature on the topic of your chosen question by conducting a

search of the library databases or other credible sources for relevant,

contemporary information and evidence to help answer your chosen question

 Critically evaluate the literature by providing a synthesis of the key evidence in

your essay and in summary as part of your presentation. Remember a critical

evaluation is more than merely describing the literature. This requires you to

evaluate what is good and bad about the body of literature you found relating to

your chosen question.

 From the critical evaluation identify at least three potential strategies to present

in your essay and presentation

 Summarise the significance of the strategies and the rationale and implications

for you as a graduate in clinical practice

 Present your findings and the implications to your practice in the presentation

and supporting essay

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