Social media: effects on mental health among teenagers

Social media: effects on mental health among teenagers


Teenagers have always been prone to certain mental health issues, but the latest studies show that social media may be adding more stress and negativity to their lives. While this may seem like a controversial statement, there are plenty of facts to back up the argument.

The first issue is bullying. It’s hard for anyone to avoid bullying if it’s happening at school, or on various internet sites. But teenage years can be especially difficult because there are so many opportunities for bullying, especially in the form of social media. Children with low self-esteem are especially vulnerable and are susceptible to forming negative relationships with “friends” they meet online—or even their own classmates. Then, there is sexting: although teenagers may think it is a good way to “seem cool,” exchanging explicit photos electronically increases the chance of them getting into trouble at home or at school. And then there is cyber-bullying: cyber-bullying doesn’t just happen when you’re face-to-face with someone; it can happen 24 hours a day, all while you’re alone in your room, feeling completely isolated and unprotected from everyone else around you.

This isn’t just a theory: teenagers who spend excessive amounts of time on social media often develop feelings of anxiety, depression,



Social media: effects on mental health among teenagers

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