Research the consolidated clinical document architecture (CCDA) messaging framework

Research the consolidated clinical document architecture (CCDA) messaging framework

Answer: Research the consolidated clinical document architecture (CCDA) messaging framework

The CCD (Continuity of Care Document) is a document that should be used to record a patient’s whole medical history when they switch settings. In practice, they’re usually a synopsis of a single visit. Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture is what the CCDA stands for. In practice, it’s little more than a CCD with added features at this time.

Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture is another name for CCDA. CCDA is a comprehensive framework for creating medical papers and template techniques. The CCDA’s main goal is to standardize the content and format of clinical care summaries.

Benefits and Challenges of Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (CCDA)

The Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (CCDA) is a widely used CDA implementation guide that covers a wide range of clinical services. The government and the private sector share a common goal of merging the FHIR with the CDA. As a result, the CCDA aids in the definition of a few FHIR profiles on the composition resource in order to recognize various sorts of documents. CCDA has a wide range of applications. The strategies for documenting networks vary depending on the client’s and software designer’s choices. Using CCDA makes it easier to summarize a patient’s medical history in a single file. The process usually entails creating a master document with cross-references to provide more information, according to Kernan, R. (2012).The CCDA design is readable by both people and machines. The client is given the CCDA once the application decision matrix has been developed to determine the capability of each application level. It is also legally authenticated and has firewalls or effective intrusion detection software installed to ensure security.


Despite this, the CCDA communications infrastructure faces several difficulties. CCDA version 2 is not entirely compatible with health level 7. (HL7 V2). Enhancing forward and backward compatibility is a demanding operation in HL7 V2. Content is only appended to the end of existing fields, and applications are expected to disregard unspecified repetitions. CCDA can also rapidly fill up with lines of extended markup language. The apps will define their extensions if the designer fails to identify the specific system or environment. In most cases, the validation processes are incompatible. The same source can be referenced several times in HL7 V2. A piece of information concerning a patient’s diagnosis history, for example, is likely to come from physicians and clinics (Kernan, 2012). In case the data provided is incomplete, it becomes difficult to validate the messaging methods.


Kernan, R. (2012). Clinical Document Architecture (CDA), Consolidated-CDA (C-CDA) and

their Role in Meaningful Use (MU).


HIM 615 Topic 4 DQ 2

Research the consolidated clinical document architecture (CCDA) messaging framework and describe its benefits and challenges.

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