PSY 665 Topic 2 DQ 1

PSY 665 Topic 2 DQ 1


i would rather train new employees as:

1. Higher Capacity for the Adoption of New Methods and Technologies

Employee training and development may be quite beneficial to a company, especially when it comes to embracing new technology, procedures, and models. However, in today’s fast-paced corporate environment, one-time staff training is insufficient. Organizations must consistently upskill their staff to realize the full benefits of employee training and development. This allows staff to swiftly acquire the most recent technical breakthroughs, which they may then use to accelerate process and product innovation..

2. Employee Training and Development Helps Companies Keep Pace With Changes in the Industry

Modern businesses must evolve on a regular basis, which is why employee training is so important. Employee training is critical, especially when it comes to staying current with industry changes, standards, and regulations. Staying ahead of the competition requires having current knowledge of your sector.

3. Employee Training and Development Increase Job Satisfaction and Morale

There are numerous benefits of training and development for a business, but employee training and development also has an impact on employee career advancement. Employees are driven to develop their skills and knowledge base when they believe their company is assisting them in doing so, which increases their job satisfaction and morale.

4. Lower Employee Turnover Is One of the Main Benefits of Training to Employers

Employee training is crucial since it allows them to learn new skills and gain knowledge. Employee training, on the other hand, is a worthwhile investment for a company because it results in lower employee turnover. Experts believe that continuous employee training and development is the key to retaining qualified staff and saving thousands of dollars.

5. The Ability to Attract High-Calibre Talent Is One of the Prime Advantages of Training and Development for an Organization

An organization that promotes staff training and development establishes a standard that attracts top talent. Employee training and development is a big benefit for job applicants, according to several surveys. The two main benefits of employee training and development from the perspective of a firm are retaining a skilled staff and attracting quality talent.

6. Employee Training and Development Helps Maintain Skill and Knowledge

Every talent needs to be practiced on a regular basis. If you don’t, you’ll lose control over it. Periodic employee training programs function as refresher courses for your staff, allowing your company to maintain a high level of competence and knowledge while also helping them enhance the talents they’ve already gained.


Which would you rather do: Hire inexperienced employees and train them within your company, or spend more money on higher salaries for employees with greater experience? Provide reasons for your answer.

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