NUR 641E Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology for Nurse Educators

NUR 641E Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology for Nurse Educators

NUR 641E Week 1 Question 1

Find an article about a genetic disorder and summarize the genetic component underlying the disorder, as well as any multifactorial inheritance components that may contribute to the disorder, in two or three paragraphs. Discuss the typical age of beginning of disease and if the sex-specific threshold concept applies to the ailment. If a multifactorial component exists, what kind of education could you give to high-risk individuals to help them avoid illness onset?

NUR 641E Week 1 Question 2

Prenatal screening of the fetus in gestation, as well as adult screening for hereditary illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease and breast cancer, has become readily available to the public. Let us know what you think about the legal, ethical, and social consequences of genetic screening. How would you inform a patient who is thinking about getting a genetic test?

NUR 641E Week 2 Question 1

Choose an FDA-approved prescription medication and talk about its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, as well as any variations that might be expected based on the patient’s age, pregnant status, or lactation. Address any potential side effects from the medicine due to age, pregnancy, or lactation

.NUR 641E Week 2 Question 2

Childhood vaccines can help people develop active acquired immunity. Many parents have expressed worries about immunization safety. What are your thoughts on immunizations as they are currently used? How would you go about informing parents about the safety and efficacy of vaccinations? Use evidence-based research to back up your replies.

NUR 641E Week 3 Question 1

Share an electrolyte imbalance case study from your practice or from the literature. In 1-2 paragraphs, summarize the case study. Then go over the clinical signs and symptoms of the imbalance, the pathophysiology underlying it, normal electrolyte(s) transport across the cell membrane, and any changes in cell membrane transport produced by the imbalance. What was done to correct the electrolyte imbalance? Analyze the case study to see if there are any places where patient or staff education could have prevented the electrolyte imbalance.

In addition to course materials, use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed resources that are less than five years old.

NUR 641E Week 3 Question 2

A widespread belief is that caffeine has a diuretic effect when consumed and will induce dehydration if used by athletes or those who perform strenuous exercise. Discuss the pathophysiology behind this belief. Share your thoughts on whether you agree or disagree that caffeine can induce dehydration. Support your answer with evidence-based literature.


NUR 641E Week 4 Question 1

Pneumococcal pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have different pathophysiologies. Any form of cellular harm or adaptation that may occur should be included. Examine whether an inflammatory reaction is present and analyze its implications. Discuss the type of patient education you would do in the case of COPD to aid the patient’s comprehension of the disease and enhance adherence to a treatment plan.

NUR 641E Week 4 Question 2

Find an evidence-based journal article on cystic fibrosis and summarize the article in one or two paragraphs. Address why you chose the article and how you might use the findings in your current or future practice setting.


NUR 641E Week 5 Question 1

Atherosclerosis is a type of artery disease that affects many people. Hypertension is a controllable risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis. Discuss the biology of both illnesses, as well as how hypertension contributes to atherosclerosis through various methods. Discuss the current drugs used to treat these illnesses, as well as their pharmacologic effects on the pathophysiology. How can you apply this knowledge to your present or future practice?

NUR 641E Week 5 Question 2

Share a case from your personal practice or from the literature in which alternative therapies were used to facilitate the management of acute or chronic cardiovascular conditions.


NUR 641E Week 6 Question 1

Look for an article about a lower genitourinary tract inflammatory disorder. In one or two paragraphs, summarize the article. Discuss the condition’s pathophysiology, as well as the pharmacologic agent(s) utilized to treat it and how they affect the pathophysiology. Discuss the nurse educator’s role in patient education regarding the reported ailment and treatment options.

Respond to another student’s post about an inflammatory ailment that isn’t the same as the one you blogged about, comparing and contrasting the differences..


NUR 641E Week 6 Question 2

Infertility is considered a disease process of the reproductive tract.  Find an article on an alteration of the genital tract that can lead to infertility.  Summarize the article in two or three paragraphs. Discuss any potential treatments.  What is the potential psychosocial impact for the patient with the condition?


NUR 641E Week 7 Question 1

Review the following case study:

Chief Complaint:

A 23-year-old woman presents with complaints of muscle weakness in the face.


The patient is a 23-year-old administrative assistant who complains of intermittent muscle weakness in her face that has been getting worse over the past 3 months. She also states that as she chews, her jaws feel tired. Swallowing has also become difficult. She reports episodes of double vision (diplopia), which seems to occur after reading for a few minutes in the late evening. With certain strenuous activities or after typing for long periods of time at work, she reports problems with bilateral arm weakness.

Physical Examination:

Notable ptosis (drooping) of the eyelids after repeated blinking exercises. When asked to smile, she appears to be snarling. Reflexes and sensation are normal in both upper and lower extremities. There is considerable weakness of the arms noted bilaterally after exercise.

Case Questions:

  1. Is the patient’s condition neurological, musculoskeletal, or both? Explain why and support your thoughts with evidence-based literature. What would be a possible neurologic or musculoskeletal condition causing the symptoms?

2.Explain the pathophysiology behind the condition.

3.What pharmacological agent(s) are commonly used to treat the disorder and how do the agent(s) alter the pathophysiology of the condition?

4.What would be your educational plan for the patient?


NUR 641E Week 7 Question 2

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. The current treatment options for the disorder have focused on symptom control. Research is now focusing on developing ways to modify the disease progression and possibly provide a cure. Investigate the current research on Parkinson’s disease treatments, including stem-cell research and the use of fetal tissue implants. Share your thoughts on the evolving therapies. What are the current controversies?

NUR 641E Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology for Nurse Educators

NUR 641E Week 8 Question 1

Share a case study from your clinical practice or from the literature on an endocrine disorder. Discuss the pathophysiology of the disorder, including the effects on the endocrine feedback system, and the role of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Identify the pharmacologic agent(s) used to treat the disorder and how the pharmacologic agent(s) alters the pathophysiology.

NUR 641E Week 8 Question 2

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is currently being used as an aid to weight loss in conjunction with an extremely restricted caloric intake of 500 calories per day. Many people are buying the HCG through the Internet with no medical surveillance. Research the HCG diet and share your thoughts on the efficacy, safety, and validity of the diet. What strategies would you use to educate patients on the diet?



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NUR 641E Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology for Nurse Educators

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