Microorganism Profile Grading Rubric:

Microorganism Profile Grading Rubric:

Criteria Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
Structure of assigned microbe

(10 points)





The student has thoroughly described the structure of the assigned microbe in detail, including the microbiological tools that would be necessary to observe the organism and virulence factors.

(Up to 10 points)

The student has partially described the structure of the assigned microbe in detail, and/or microbiological tools that would be necessary to observe the organism or virulence factors are missing.

(Up to 7 points)

The student has insufficiently described the structure of the assigned microbe in detail, and the microbiological tools that would be necessary to observe the organism and virulence factors are missing.

(Up to 3 points)

Infectious Disease Information

(up to 10 points)




The student has thoroughly described the infectious disease caused by the assigned microbe, including conditions, duration of infection, complications, and predisposing factors.

(Up to 10 points)

The student has partially described the infectious disease caused by the assigned microbe.

(Up to 7 points)

The student has insufficiently described the infectious disease caused by the assigned microbe.

(Up to 3 points)

Interaction between Microbe and Host Immune System

(up to 10 points)




All aspects concerning the interactions between the microbe and the human immune system were fully addressed. (all items or terms that are listed are described or explained in a very complete manner).

(Up to 10 points)

Some aspects concerning the interactions between the microbe and the human host were mostly addressed.

(Up to 7 points)

Few aspects concerning the interactions between the microbe and the human host were addressed. (Items or terms listed with very little description or explanation).

(Up to3 points)

Principles of Epidemiology

(up to 10 points)


All aspects concerning the transmission of the assigned microbe between hosts are fully addressed. An original diagram created by the student is used to address epidemiology.

(Up to 10 points)

Some aspects concerning the transmission of the assigned microbe between hosts are addressed. An original diagram created by the student is used to address some aspects of epidemiology.

(Up to 7 points)

Few aspects concerning the transmission of the assigned microbe between hosts are addressed, and/or the diagram is not original.

(Up to 3 points)

Chemotherapeutic options

(up to 10 points)



All aspects concerning the chemotherapeutic options for the assigned microbe are fully addressed.

(Up to 10 points)

Some aspects concerning the chemotherapeutic options for the assigned microbe are addressed.

(Up to 7 points)

Few aspects concerning the chemotherapeutic options for the assigned microbe are addressed.

(Up to 3 points)

Clinical Relevance

(up to 10 points)



All aspects concerning the clinical relevance of the assigned microbe are fully addressed.

(Up to 10 points)

Some aspects concerning the clinical relevance of the assigned microbe are addressed.

(Up to 7 points)

Few aspects concerning the clinical relevance of the assigned microbe are addressed

(Up to 3 points)

Scientific literacy

(up to 20 points)





Student can accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary using written and/or graphical means consistently throughout the assignment.

(Up to 20 points)

Student can accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary using written and graphical means mostly throughout the assignment.

(Up to 10 points)

Student did not accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary using written and/or graphical means throughout the assignment.

(Up to 5 points)

Overall Presentation

(10 points)

Overall presentation is 100% complete, orderly, and demonstrates scholarly achievement including APA format, proper grammar, and punctuation.

(Up to 10 points)

Overall presentation is mostly complete, orderly, and demonstrates scholarly achievement including APA format, proper grammar, and punctuation.

(Up to 7 points)

Overall presentation is two or more of the following: incomplete or does not demonstrate scholarly achievement.

(Up to 4 points)


(10 points)

At least sources have been referenced, cited in-text, and references are from reputable sources.

(Up to 10 points)

At least sources have been referenced, cited in-text, and references are from reputable sources.

(Up to 7 points)

Insufficient sources were referenced, in-text citations are missing, or references are from inappropriate sources.

(Up to 4 points)


Total Points (out of 100): __________

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