List three examples of plagiarism and discuss how plagiarizing as a student affects the integrity of a baccalaureate degree

List three examples of plagiarism and discuss how plagiarizing as a student affects the integrity of a baccalaureate degree
NRS 430 Topic 1 Discussion Question 2

List three examples of plagiarism and discuss how plagiarizing as a student affects the integrity of a baccalaureate degree, the public perception of the nursing profession, and evidence-based practice. Describe two things you will do to ensure academic integrity in your work.

Re: Topic 1 DQ 2
Plagiarism is taking credit for other’s work (Falkner, 2018). Plagiarism is not a harmless act the authors whose work was used without giving them credit for their hard-earned work on the content affects them. The student who is caught doing this is then affected too and can lead to expulsion and even threaten their nursing license. In some cases, people have no understanding that at that time they are plagiarizing and they turn in what they think to be their hard work (Falkner, 2018). This selfish act is also a simple way to judge someone’s nursing skill and integrity.

One way that someone could plagiarize is to copy and paste the author’s original text. Another way plagiarism is seen is when the original idea or writing is paraphrased without including a citation of where the idea or writing was discovered. The third way one could plagiarize could be turning another student’s paper and portraying them as your own, even if you paid the other student. This is cheating as well as plagiarizing and carries with it many repercussions that are not worth the risk. Falkner has discussed and quoted another author, the type of nurse that is willing to plagiarize can be assimilated with risky behavior (Ganske, 2010). Within the rest of our readings, this implication is also reflected in nurses because we have been seen and voted as the most trustworthy professionals in the past and I hope to live up to this as long as I live. As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, practicing evidence-based nursing depends upon the research and using the evidence to back up these claims and provide the highest-known level of care possible. While a student, plagiarism can be a lack of knowledge about plagiarism, the misunderstanding of the information being learned, or the inability to translate what is being learned correctly while citing correctly. In my opinion, I may say that it is each nurse’s duty to learn how to properly cite other’s ideas as well as help others to see where mistakes may have been made and how to avoid them. I aim to ask for help when I have questions on how to cite and overcite while limiting direct quotes.


Falkner, A. (2018). Effective writing and research. In Grand Canyon University (Eds.), Dynamics in Nursing: Art and Science of Professional Practice. Retrieved from

Ganske, K.M. (2010) Moral distress in academia. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15(3). doi: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol15No03Man06


Hello ,

I concur with you that plagiarism is taking credit over other people’s work. Researchers and publishers endure a lot of time and resources to obtain information that is published. Therefore, using hard-earned content without acknowledging the struggle hurts the producer of the details. Academic institutions also punish students who are found to have plagiarized their content (Yadav et al., 2016). Most higher learning institutions classify plagiarism as a violation of academic integrity. Therefore, the culprits suffer severe repercussions such as expulsion or revocation of their academic awards such as certificates and academic accolades. Copying and pasting is a common example of plagiarism among students who are late to submit their assignments. Failing to cite external information used in academic content is also another form of plagiarism. In a baccalaureate degree, students are involved in many class works and assignments that demands the use of various scholarly sources. Therefore, nursing students should understand how to cite and reference their work to maintain academic integrity.


Yadav, S., Rawal, G., & Baxi, M. (2016). Plagiarism-A serious scientific misconduct. Int J Health Sci Res, 6(2), 364-366.

Topic 1 DQ 2

According to the article Dynamics in Nursing: Art and Science of Professional Practice (2015), plagiarism is the use of someone else’s words or ideas without clear identification of the source. Three examples of plagiarism include copying someone’s work and not citing the reference or source, inefficiently citing the correct reference or source, or using someone’s literature and passing it off as yours. We all remember nursing school and a particular course we covered was Ethics and Integrity. As nurses we have a huge responsibility to our patients to uphold are ethics and values. We are entrusted with people’s lives and well being. That should be something we value as sacred. We are entrusted to distribute medications, some of which can be life altering. We are responsible for implementing protocols to save lives. We are responsible for being trustworthy and true. This falls under the Nursing Code of Ethics which we all pledged when we embarked on this career.

These core measures should also be evident in our literature. It’s very important to uphold these rules when compiling evidenced

NRS 430 Topic 1 Discussion Question 2
NRS 430 Topic 1 Discussion Question 2

based practice. EBP is how we learn to advance skill and technique to improve patient outcome. This ultimately can save lives and prevent medical mistakes. Therefore it is imperative that we refrain from plagiarizing in the nursing profession. To ensure academic integrity I will first correctly cite my sources. I will not take someones work and pass it as mine. I struggle with APA formatting but I will study to make sure I accurately cite sources to the best of my ability. Another way I can ensure academic integrity is simply asking questions. If their is a particular literature that I am unfamiliar with citing; I can ask my professor or other classmates how to reference it. I can also refer to the Universities APA and sources cited documents for more information. When you’re under pressure or unfamiliar with something it’s easy to get in a bind and rush to turn something in. We sometimes forget that we can simply slow down and ask a question for more clarification.

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Falkner (2015). Dynamics in Nursing: Art and Science of Professional Practice retrieved from

GCU Academics (2015, May 7) Plagiarism Tutorial retrieved from


Hello D,

Indeed, plagiarism is the utilization of someone else’s ideas without acknowledging the extraction of external ideas. Copying someone’s idea without citing, copy-pasting, and using others’ ideas and passing the work as yours are three examples of plagiarism. Plagiarism flouts academic ethics and integrity (Husain et al., 2017). Nurses are placed in a profession that requires the observation of integrity to avoid making mistakes that will be catastrophic. However, nurses cannot maintain integrity in their place of work if they cannot avoid plagiarizing their content. Nursing students may suffer a care-threatening risk when they are found to have plagiarized their ideas. Nurses can ensure that they are not involved in plagiarism by citing the external information used in their assignments. There are various referencing and citation styles that are used in crediting outside sources. Thus, students can seek clarification from their instructors on unfamiliar ideas rather than copying other’s ideas directly to their assignments.


Husain, F. M., Al-Shaibani, G. K. S., & Mahfoodh, O. H. A. (2017). Perceptions of and attitudes toward plagiarism and factors contributing to plagiarism: A review of studies. Journal of Academic Ethics, 15(2), 167-195.

Re: Topic 1 DQ 2

Plagiarism is the use of another’s words or ideas without clear identification of the source (Price, 2014, para. 15). Examples of plagiarism include copy and pasting another person’s work and taking credit for it, paraphrasing what another author said and getting credit for it, and improper use of a reference. The way that plagiarizing as a student affects the integrity of a baccalaureate degree, public perception of the nursing profession, and evidence-based practice is because nurses are considered trustworthy and honest. When a student or nurse plagiarizes, it affects the nurse’s or student’s performance and impact the evidence-based practice created to affect the change in patient care (LaDuke, 2013, para. 16). When the student or nurse plagiarizes and continues to plagiarize, it can lead to consequences within the nurse’s career. Academic dishonesty can lead to poor decisions at bedside, poor outcomes for the patients, and decreased patient satisfaction (Morgan and Hart, 2013).

One thing I can do to assure academic integrity is to make sure to check the sources I use and that it is correct in both the reference section and the intext citation. Another thing I can do to ensure academic integrity is to source paraphrasing and when quoting a source. If a student uses their own work and cites the resources the correct way, it can better the student and nurse in different ways. It can improve work at bedside and enhance the student’s education.


LaDuke, R. D. (2013). Academic dishonesty today, unethical practices tomorrow? Journal of Professional Nursing, 29(6), 402-406. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2012.10.009

Morgan, L. & Hart, L. (2013). Promoting academic integrity in an online RN-BSN program. Nursing Education Perspectives, 34(4), 240-243. doi: 10.5480/1536-5026- 34.4.240

Price, B. (2014). Avoiding plagiarism: guidance for nursing students. Nursing Standard, 28(26), 45-51.


Hello, Mia. I agree with you that plagiarism is the use of somebody else’s ideas or phrases without acknowledging their input in availing the content. Examples of plagiarism include copy-pasting, giving yourself another author’s credit, and failing to cite external information used in your academic tasks. Nursing students who are prone to plagiarizing become incompetent nurses when they graduate (Šprajc et al., 2017). Therefore, to avoid chunning out imperfect nurses, learning institutions have instituted measures that are against plagiarism. According to most learning institutions, plagiarism is against academic integrity. Therefore, culprits are expelled or stripped of their academic merits once the institution realizes any form of plagiarism. Nursing students who are determined to excel in the profession are thus required to uphold ethics and integrity from the class to their workplaces. Students should learn to cite foreign ideas and content. There are various citing and referencing styles that students can use to avoid plagiarism.


Šprajc, P., Urh, M., Jerebic, J., Trivan, D., & Jereb, E. (2017). Reasons for plagiarism in higher education. Organizacija, 50(1), 33-45.

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Re: Topic 1 DQ 2

There are three types of plagiarisms that are considered common. They comprise direct plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and mosaic plagiarism. In academic matters, it significant to maintain integrity, especially in papers that determine the student’s capabilities. Lack of integrity, that is, plagiarizing academic work, could lead to harsh penalties. The academic sanctions negatively affect the baccalaureate degree, and in many instances, the competence of both the learner and the profession will be questioned. Besides, when a student plagiarizes and still gets away with it, they are considered half-baked professionals (Jereb et al., 2018).

Furthermore, having professionals who lack the required skills in the market is dangerous because people will suffer. A typical example is with doctors; if a half-baked doctor is released to the market, then many patients will die. This is because such doctors will give an incorrect diagnosis, and the patients will die from taking the wrong prescription (Cooke, 2015). As of consequence, the general public will have a bad attitude towards the profession and that chastises both the diligent and the quacks. Further, people will pursue alternative means of treatment, which is more dangerous. Plagiarism shows that the student is lazy, and in most cases, they will not perform proper evidence-based practices (Jereb et al., 2018). Evidence-based Practices entail thorough scientific evaluations, which make it a prerequisite for the student to conduct intensive research. Plagiarism gives the student a short-cut, which is perilous because the results will not be accurate. To avoid plagiarism, students are required to maximize their time reading and acquainting themselves with subjects relevant to their studies. The other method of preventing plagiarism is citing the borrowed source to acknowledge that regardless of its relevance, it is some else’s work.


Cooke, H. (2015). Changing Discourses of Blame in Nursing and Healthcare. England: Taylor and Francis Group.

Jereb, E., Perc, M., Lämmlein, B., Jerebic, J., Urh, M., Podbregar, I., et al. (2018). Factors influencing plagiarism in higher education: A comparison of German and Slovene students. Cognitive Neuroscience Channel, 1-5.

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