HLT 305 Topic 1 DQ 1

HLT 305 Topic 1 DQ 1


Ethical worldview will change over time because of the impact that culture, tradition, and personal experience. The values and beliefs you have are shaped by different cultures and traditions. When you travel or get older, it is likely to take on new attitudes or even challenge the old ones.

In this course, students explore the impact culture, tradition and personal experience have on ethical worldview. Students examine how their worldview changes over time as they are exposed to new information and experiences

Discuss the impact that culture, tradition, and personal experiences have on ethical worldview.

Our worldview is a filter through which we see the world, and it can be shaped by culture, tradition, and personal experience. Values of family, respect, responsibility and honesty are all deeply rooted in my youth. These values impact our ethical decisions. Even though the world has changed dramatically since I was young, these core values have been my guidepost to navigate life’s ethical questions.

Ethical worldview defines the thinking pattern, guidelines and behavior of an individual. It helps us understand things in a moral way. Our world is filled with people who have their own mindsets regarding the practice of business ethics and understanding the laws and rules in general sense. These people are called as ethical egoists or simply egoists. Ethical egoism explains that an action is right if it results in enhancing one’s self-interest. The history, culture, tradition and personal experiences begin to shape an individual’s worldview starting in early childhood.

Errors in ethical reasoning often occur due to the impact of culture, tradition and personal experience. We assume our beliefs are right without looking at all sides objectively. This is why we need to be aware of how other cultures live, why they have certain traditions, and how our bias affect them. We also need to break down our own experiences and question our assumptions about the world in order to truly understand others perspectives.

In the case of the Titanic, even though there was a lack of lifeboats which could have saved hundreds of lives, the captains faced an ethical dilemma:the probability that men would behave badly and not cooperate if they had to share boats with women. Was it morally right to separate boats by gender? They weighed their moral uncertainty against a tradition that determined it was more important for women and children to survive. In my own experience as captain in Viet Nam, I had several choices of low-flying aircraft when we were ordered to attack enemy lines. While I knew I could avoid a gun battery by choosing longer hostile airspace, my men would have been exposed to more gunfire using higher roads. I chose the flights with increased risk in order to protect my men’s normal road conditions from exposure. Would you agree that my decision is an example of a worldview that has changed over time?

Ethical worldview is a pretty broad subject. There are a lot of factors that influence the ethical worldviews of someone. We will discuss those factors in this response.

To be persuasive, you want to ‘frame’ your argument in a way that the recipient will understand. Think about your persuasive partner’s worldview, including their cultural background and personal experience…and then how to match your tone and language to theirs in order to make it clear that you are coming from the same perspective.

Ethical considerations often reflect socially and culturally accepted obligations as an individual. The more intertwined you become with a particular culture, the more likely you are to adopt its ethical standards. The expression of ethics and values is so deeply ingrained that we often act without even thinking about it, taking behavior for granted until someone or something challenges it.

Ethics has a huge impact on culture and each individual’s worldview. In today’s global economy, more companies are doing business overseas and therefore it is important to make sure that the company aligns its business value with the ethics of that country. For example, in countries such as China and Japan, there is a strong emphasis on building a trusting relationship before conducting any business.

Culture is a system of shared beliefs and practices that develop within a social and geographic boundaries. Tradition, on the other hand, refers to beliefs, customs and celebrations that have been handed down over time in a group or society. While culture is dynamic, tensions can occur when traditional values conflict with those of a changing society. It is easier to accept change when we understand its cultural and social context.




Explain the impact that culture, tradition, and personal experience has on ethical worldview. Does your worldview change over time? Please provide a personal example or experience

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