HCA 360 Topic 1 DQ 1

HCA 360 Topic 1 DQ 1


In a health care setting, HMIS refers to the software applications that are used to provide services. This may consist of any systems that enable management operations, clinical procedures, strategic analysis, and other decision-making processes, which require the use of technology. Hence, there should be a framework designed for managing these systems to optimize performance, work efficiency and patient safety. An effective methodology for collaboration between managers and HMIS developers is to first understand their roles in an organization. The development process usually starts from understanding users’ needs within an organization and designing software with those requirements in mind (Rayman & Harpley, 2015). Therefore, it makes sense for managers and developers to work together on an analysis that uncovers the needs and requirements of information system users. This can lead to better identification of what issues can be addressed through implementing an HMIS application with the help of technology. Another way managers can collaborate with developers is during the planning phase where they can identify each problem and modify it into a job task that requires automation (Passos et al., 2018). Managerial input can also prove useful when discussing about data storage capacity requirements for a system being developed or even at the point where new hardware or software is being acquired or implemented. This

Because an EHR is a large system containing numerous sub-systems (such as those mentioned above), managers must be able to demonstrate how their ideas for addressing the technology issues will result in improved processes and patient outcomes. The fact that the issues that may arise are most often interrelated underscores the need for collaboration between managers and HMIS developers

There are a number of key components of an HMIS (a clinical, financial, population health and strategic decision support subsystem, eHealth applications, etc.). The major issues that arise around these subsystems are:

The Health Management Information System (HMIS) has been enabling organizations to collect, analyze and transmit valuable information regarding the rendering of health services for years. In this time, however, there have been major issues with regards to interoperability. It is common for disparate systems that make up an HMIS be unable to communicate or share data between one another. Additionally, lack of prioritization to update individual components properly leads to many system failures and the need for manual workarounds causing potential errors in data capture and reporting. Managers must make it a priority to work closely with HMIS developers to ensure systems are interoperable, up-to-date, continuously tested in a real world environment using current technology and user friendly.

Unfortunately, the implementation of an HMIS can mean navigating some complex issues. Healthcare managers will be challenged to get systems to interact with one another and to do so without impeding workflow. For example, although the information that is generated can be invaluable to managers, the real-time reporting in some systems poses a challenge as data must be inputted in a timely fashion. Another challenge lies in determining how to best warn patients about potential clinical interventions that are associated with a high rate of adverse events (Wu et al., 2015). A final issue arises when healthcare managers attempt to use data from an HMIS for problem-solving. Although the ability to do so is powerful, it can also slow down operations because of ethical concerns. References Wu C., Miller L., Eastwood B., & Hildebrandt H. (2015). An overview of technical issues encountered in hospital information systems: discussing some user perspectives. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak, 15(1), 63.

The use of technology in health care is increasing rapidly and its benefits go beyond the improvement of management information systems and clinical applications. A review of issues pertaining to the implementation of health management information system (HMIS) in developing countries highlights problems associated with the initial phase. These include identifying user requirements, creating a secure environment, performance evaluation, and ensuring system continuity. The development and implementation stages are often neglected. There should be a thorough assessment of needs before embarking upon its development. The systems should be tested on sample populations before they are fully implemented. Thus, it is crucial to conduct an assessment of the factors that could facilitate or hinder the effective adoption and utilization of technology by HMIS personnel, especially during the early stages of the application.”’,

In a technical paper format with at least one reference, describe the management of an information system by identifying three issues that arise for a selected system, develop a management perspective as to why addressing each issue is important, and examine at least one point of view from the developer of the information system.

In order to be able to effectively use healthcare information systems and technology, it is necessary for everyone in the organization (patients and healthcare workers) to collaborate with developers. Because healthcare data is very confidential, it is essential that patients are educated on how to store their data safely, sharing the relevant data only with appropriate individuals and organizations, and ensuring that their data is protected. In addition, it is important that all health workers can use digital systems, applications or technology comfortably and must have easy access to digital resources.

Many software developers and users alike have no idea how to leverage the power of data. The need for standards of communication between provider applications are becoming more critical to patients and care providers alike.

reduce unwanted patient escapes (Hiding patients is a common way that hospitals control their census through the use of high risk and low risk areas, this is damaging for the overall level of quality in patient care.

With the disappearance of EMRs, many of which have now been folded into inter-operable SaaS solutions, there are new issues that arise. Some of these include patient process management, access to relevant medical histories and prescribed treatments, full-time and intermittent liquidity and productivity metrics in support of meaningful analysis. Today’s modern systems can be configured to convert big data into insights by utilizing smart analytics engines that deliver real-time visualizations in the form of dashboards, charts and reports. These visualizations are built on business rules that deliver just the right metrics for managers, clinicians and administrators to get a full view of operations working with them to make better decisions.



From the many disparate systems that comprise an HMIS (clinical, management, strategic decision support, eHealth applications, etc.), choose one and identify three technology-based issues that might arise within that system. Discuss how managers could collaborate with HMIS developers to address each issue. Cite at least one reference in your response.

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