Explain how power and politics is an integral part of healthcare and caring professional nursing practice.

Explain how power and politics is an integral part of healthcare and caring professional nursing practice.

Learn why/how people, including the professional nurse, become involved in the political and policy process.
2. Explore how nurses can influence policy makers, legislation, and the policy process.
3. Explain how power and politics is an integral part of healthcare and caring professional nursing practice.

Method: Engage in a political or policy activity, such as lobbying a legislator, planning a political fundraiser, voter registration, working on a political campaign, participating in a healthcare forum for legislators and community activists, attending a nursing lobby day, political workshop or program, etc. Interview one of the political participants in this activity about their role, experience, etc..

Outcome: Written Report. (Maximum Length: 10 pages, APA format.) *Two copies of action project and interview summary are to be submitted.

Guidelines for Report:
1. Description of Activity- Provide detail of project in narrative form. Include: description of project, date, time, place, participants, topics, activities.
2. Interview Summary: (5 questions) An interview should include about why, how, where, etc. related to person’s interest/involvement in politics.
3. Student Analysis of Project:
-How did the project increase student’s learning and/or political knowledge/experience?

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