Efficacy of mind-body therapy in children with ADHD

Efficacy of mind-body therapy in children with ADHD



A new study published in the Journal of Attention Disorders supports the efficacy of mind-body therapy for children with ADHD. This research was conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles, and was performed on a group of children between ages 7 and 12 who were diagnosed with ADHD. The study’s participants were divided into two groups: one group received regular medication as prescribed by their doctor, while the other group received both medication and mind-body therapy.

The study found that when compared with those who only received regular medication, participants who received both mind-body therapy and regular medication saw significant improvements in symptoms of ADHD. These improvements included better focus, better attention span, less impulsivity, fewer tantrums or outbursts, improved self-esteem and optimism about their future. Participants also reported fewer difficulties completing tasks at home or school; fewer injuries from accidents or fights; less time spent worrying about things that might happen; less time spent fighting with friends or siblings; and improved relationships with family members.




Efficacy of mind-body therapy in children with ADHD


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