
Dissertation Process

1. The Premise.

The Premise primarily identifies an introductory topic which acts as a basis for the entire dissertation. It conveys the initial investigation into a research topic. For Instance, the detection of depression among elderly Korean American in a medical setting, is an example of a thesis topic and a premise therefore provides the key drivers towards selecting the topic. It provides information on the particulars of the problem statement (Cheng and Barnes, Gayle, 2019). The premise clearly outlines depression among the elderly Korean American folk, factors that are facilitating this phenomenon.

2. The Prospectus.

The dissertation Prospectus, represents a piece of writing that attempts to explain what is planned before it has actually been done. It should provide a preliminary description of the proposed thesis. It should explicitly outline the thesis statement and the scope in which it will cover, giving reasons why the topic warrants the research. The prospectus develops from the premise by aiding students in the organization, and decision making in choosing appropriate research style. It further serves as a pathway for proposal development (Cheng and Barnes, Gayle, 2019).

3. The Proposal.

The dissertation proposal contains the initial three chapters. It initiates the logic for carrying out the research. The proposal further includes the analysis of various literature, describing the relevant design and methodology which will be useful to the study. If done correctly, a dissertation proposal works in a manner similar to an in-depth essay, providing guidance when writing the body of the work. It should cover in detail the research question you are going to analyze and how you plan to conduct the research. It should include the reading you have done up until this point and any outcomes of discussions with your supervisor.

















Cheng, M. and Barnes, Gayle, P. (2019). Working independently on the dissertation proposal: experiences of international Master’s students. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43(8

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