Disease outbreaks: the role of health promotion

Disease outbreaks: the role of health promotion


As health promotion specialists, we must consider the role of our work in the context of disease outbreaks. Recent studies have found that approximately 1/3 of all diseases contracted can be prevented through proper health education. In fact, a recent review of climate change and disease outbreak prevention strategies has shown an astonishing correlation between state-by-state public health campaigns and the occurrence of outbreaks.

A case in point is the recent cholera outbreak in Wisconsin. The state’s health department ran an extensive advertising campaign urging residents to wash their hands after using the bathroom, but this campaign ran for only 3 years before the state’s budget was cut. This is not enough time for residents to change their habits, especially when these habits are deeply engrained and habitual, like handwashing routines.The conclusion is clear: better public education programs could have helped prevent this outbreak entirely if they were given more time to be implemented.





Disease outbreaks: the role of health promotion

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