Discuss the impact of R on software and the health care industry

Discuss the impact of R on software and the health care industry


R is a programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It’s a GNU project that’s based on the S programming language and environment created by John Chambers and his colleagues at Bell Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies). R can be regarded of as a more advanced version of S. Although there are some notable differences, much of the code built for S runs in R without modification.

It has the ability to visualize data in novel ways, assisting analysts in better understanding problems and providing new insights to improve care quality. R is useful for a variety of health-related tasks, including providing hospital mortality statistics and evaluating therapies.

  • Excellent for Statistical Computing and Analysis.
  • Open-source.
  • A Large Variety of Libraries.
  • Cross-platform Support.
  • Supports various Data Types.
  • Can do Data Cleansing, Data Wrangling, and Web Scraping.
  • Powerful Graphics.
  • Highly Active Community.


HIM 650 Topic 6 DQ 1

Using resources provided in the study materials, answer the question: “What is R?” Discuss the impact of R on software and the health care industry. What are the benefits and challenges of R as compared to other programming languages used in the health care industry?

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