Discuss how your use of social media will change with your role as a nursing student and future health care professional

Discuss how your use of social media will change with your role as a nursing student and future health care professional

Topic: social media and the role of nursing
Order Description
in this assessment you are to draw upon the concepts of the Modified Stripling Model (2003) and examine your responsibilities as a university nursing student and a future registered nurse with the use of social media by exploring the University of South Australia Student Code of Conduct University of South Australia Social Media Guidelines (2014) and the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Social Media Policy (2014).
Your task is to:
1- Provide an introduction to your discussion.
2- Briefly describe how you currently engage with social media(first person speech). eg(facebook twitter etc)
3- Discuss how your use of social media will change with your role as a nursing student and future health care professional(third person speech).
4- Conclude with a statement describing how your understanding of social media use has changed as a result of your reading.
words counts (1000) and 10 journal articles peer viewed only referencesParagraphs are organised in a logical manner so that content flows and the essay ends with a rational conclusion which restates the topic and provides a summary which connects all of the key points. There is a clear introduction that outlines the topic and profiles the scope content and the sequence of the essay topic. Most paragraphs are organised in a logical manner so that content flows and the essay ends with a rational conclusion which restates the topic and provides a summary of all of the key points. There is a clear introduction that outlines the topic and profiles the content and the sequence of the essay. Most paragraphs are organised in a logical manner and the essay ends with a rational conclusion which restates the topic and provides a summary of most of the key points. There is a clear introduction that outlines the topic and the content followed by the body of the essay with a conclusion which restates the topic and provides a summary of most of the key points. However content within the body and within paragraphs is not always logically sequenced. There is an introductory sentence that outlines the topic followed by the body of the essay with a conclusion that provides a summary of some of the key points. However there is little evidence of sequential presentation of information. There is no introduction. There is no sequencing. There is no conclusion. Critical Thinking and Reasoning (15 Marks) Discussion demonstrates critical thinking and relevant student learning in relation to the case study and nursing care for children and adolescents Moves critical thinking and reasoning to an advanced level beyond simple citations. The content and evidence is relevant to the topic as described in the unit outline assessment descriptor. High quality evidence and examples are presented. Critical thinking and reasoning is at a proficient level. The content and evidence is relevant to the topic as described in the unit outline assessment descriptor. Critical thinking and reasoning is at a satisfactory level.

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