Consider the ideas presented throughout this course. How will this information influence your personal approach to professional development in a health care organization? Why? How will it influence your potential dissertation research? Explain.

Consider the ideas presented throughout this course. How will this information influence your personal approach to professional development in a health care organization? Why? How will it influence your potential dissertation research? Explain.



Based on what I’ve learned in this course, I’ll change my approach to professional development in a health-care company in a variety of ways. I’ll be more aware of the possibility for bias in communication, and I’ll use that awareness to ensure that any message I send is intended for all team members to understand.

It’s easy to overlook the variety of viewpoints that might benefit a health-care business. In order to establish a healthy work environment, it is critical to appeal to each individual’s unique perspective and provide them an equal opportunity to contribute. It is critical to communicate clearly with all team members in order to ensure that they are able to make useful contributions.

The necessity of good communication, especially as it relates to professional development, will affect my dissertation research. A health care organization’s ability to develop its personnel is influenced by the structure of its successful communication system. Not only should a good communication system allow for clear communication between employees and supervisors, but it should also allow for employee feedback.

I believe that a deeper knowledge of the importance of good communication in professional development can help us better understand how to improve professional development programs in health-care companies, particularly as technology continues to progress at a rapid pace.




Consider the ideas presented throughout this course. How will this information influence your personal approach to professional development in a health care organization? Why? How will it influence your potential dissertation research? Explain.

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