Cesarean section: risks and long-term effects

Cesarean section: risks and long-term effects



Cesarean section is surgery in which a baby is cut out of the mother’s uterus instead of going through the vagina

Cesarean section is also called C-section, cesarean birth, and caesarean delivery

C-section may be necessary for a number of reasons: The mother or baby could have health problems or complications, or the baby isn’t in a good position to come out vaginally

A C-section can be performed either before labor has begun (a planned C-section) or during labor (an unplanned C-section)

The main risks of having a Cesarean section instead of giving birth vaginally are that it:•can lead to life-threatening bleeding•can cause organ damage•can cause problems with future pregnancies because of scarring on the uterus•causes other complications for both mothers and babies

Long-term effects for babies who were delivered by Cesarean section include difficulty breastfeeding, obesity, asthma, and autism. It can also lead to childhood cancer. For mothers, long-term effects include placenta accreta, which leads to high risk pregnancy complications. Cesarean sections also increase the risk of infertility later in life.



Cesarean section: risks and long-term effects

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