BIO-202: Human Anatomy and Physiology II Week 4.

BIO-202: Human Anatomy and Physiology II Week 4.

  • Blood is transported from the left side of the heart to the body and then returned to the right side via the systemic circuit.
  • Blood is transported from the right side of the heart to the lungs and then back to the left side via the pulmonary circuit.
  • The coronary circuit supplies the heart with oxygenated blood to meet its metabolic needs.
  • Which of the following are the three tissue layers of arteries and veins?

from the inside out:
Tunica Interna, Tunica Externa, Tunica Media

  • What exactly is the tunica interna?
    endothelium is a type of cell that lines the inside of the body’ (simple squamous epithelium)
  • What is the tunica media made up of? What function does each component serve?
    Smooth muscle helps to maintain tissue perfusion and blood pressure by regulating arterial diameter.

BIO-202: Human Anatomy and Physiology II Week 4.


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