Benchmark – Patient’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis

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Qiu Sun

Benchmark – Patient’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis


 1132 Words  



 Statistically detect wrong use of…: sun  son

 Potentially missing comma: 2022  2022,

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

Case Study: Healing and Autonomy

Qiu sun

Grand Canyon University


Prof. Henry

May 8, 2022

The involvement of the physician, according to this author, is critical in this case. Parents

must have as much information as possible about the clinical situation. This is the time for the

doctor to tell Mike that his decisions are actually harming James more than they are helping him.

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Passive voice: dialysis was originally re…

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Passive voice: decisions are influenced b…

 Redundant phra…: Past experienc…  Experiences

 Passive voice: report is being completed

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Missing preposition: relying  relying on

 on the other hand (…: on the other hand  but

 Web Content:

He has to emphasize to Mike the seriousness of James’ illness and the potential for problems if a

kidney transplant is not performed immediately. The physician is not violating the autonomy of

the patient by doing so. James is a minor, and his parents have authority over him.

Mike’s decision of faith healing over temporary dialysis was originally respected by the

doctors. When James’ health did not improve after faith healing, his father returned him to the

doctor, who did his job by outlining the severity of the disease and the consequences if it was not

handled swiftly. Mike should be reassured that as James’ doctor, he is concerned about his well-

being and desires to prevent causing him any additional injury by treating him as soon as possible.

This is when a chaplain or priest from the parents’ religion tradition is brought in to explain to

them that providing James medical care does not imply that they are renouncing the ideals of their

faith. Mike’s faith, religion, and cultural dedication should be taken into account by the doctor,

who should converse with him without discounting his faith. He should explain to Mike that James’

hospitalization may be God’s will, and that this is how He wants him to heal.

At this point in his condition, James needed medical treatment as well as God’s blessing to

recover. Mike should maintain his trust in God and pray for James as he undergoes medical

treatment. People’s decisions are influenced by several things. Past experiences, cognitive biases,

age, religion, belief, culture, and a host of other factors could all play a role (Opalka, 2021).

Doctors should respect their patients’ religious and cultural values, recognizing the significance of

these views in treatment and care decisions. Clinical judgments and patient beliefs should be

handled with caution.

When we notice that a parent’s decisions or actions are putting a kid in danger of death or

disability, we have a responsibility to report it to the appropriate authorities, such as child

protective services. It is even more difficult to report when the parents are acting in the name of

religion and faith rather than out of malice. “In exceptional circumstances of immediate harm to

the child, it is morally appropriate for health care providers to execute life-saving measures despite

parental objections while the report is being completed.”

Christians have different perspectives on illness and health. According to some Christians,

sickness is a result of their sins (for example, scars from aggressive behavior, sexually transmitted

diseases from promiscuity, addiction from substance abuse), and some Christians regard sickness

as a result of forces beyond our control. It’s expected. According to the Christian viewpoint, illness

or sickness is a result of Adam and Eve’s sin. Some Christians believe that by not relying in God’s

faith to heal them, they are not being faithful to God. God, on the other hand, does not command

Christians to stay away from doctors or medicine.

Luke, for example, was a physician and one of the gospel writers. “Nowhere in the Bible

does it say that God disapproved of their usage of medicinal plants, ointments, prescribed diets, or

other health remedies. “Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but those who are sick

need.”—Matthew 9:12. (n.d.) Health No one should rely exclusively on faith and prayer to treat

ailments for which a remedy is discovered through modern medicine. Modern medicine should be



preference for faith over medical therapy, especially after faith healing failed the first time, is


Mike’s rationale about Christianity and medical treatment should be explored by the

physician. At this point, Mike should consult with a priest or chaplain, preferably from his own

church, to address any concerns he may have about his son’s medical care. In conclusion, Mike

and his family are going through a difficult time in their lives, and they are torn between seeking

 Spelling mista…: Nonmaleficence  Maleficence

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University…

 Three successive sentences begin wi…: Mike

supplemented with prayers. Mike should leave James in the hands of modern medicine and experts, and proceed with the kidney transplant. He should also maintain his faith and pray for the quick

recovery of both of his sons. He should think of the doctors as God’s messengers sent to James to

heal him.

While James is receiving medical intervention, Mike should continue to attend church as

usual and maintain a strong trust in God. Mike should be made aware of the beneficent and no

maleficent principles in James’ care so that he can make informed decisions about James’ treatment.

He should be informed that beneficence refers to weighing the advantages of treatment against the

hazards, and that a kidney transplant will solely benefit James. In this scenario, the benefits of a

kidney transplant should be made clear to him. Nonmaleficence also means not harming James by

delaying treatment. While he wishes to strengthen his trust in God, he must acknowledge that

treatment is unavoidable in this situation.

“Bringing persons in touch with God by compassionate presence, active listening, witness,

prayer, Bible study, and engagement with the church community and clergy” is how “spiritual

care” is characterized (Tisch, 2020). “Enabling a person’s relationship with God through Jesus

Christ” is what Christian spiritual care entails. That will not always be a “safety net.” In reality,

once a person becomes conscious of sin in the presence of a holy God, it may inflict some

temporary distress. A patient’s spiritual requirements are significant, and they influence their

capacity to make decisions while ill. “A person’s interpretation of life and health may dictate that

suffering be endured and alleviated to the extent possible.

Patients’ sources of hope and meaning, religious affiliation, personal spirituality and

practices, and how spirituality may impact medical treatment and end-of-life choices are all

explored in the HOPE questionnaire. It stands for “hopeful sources,” “organized religion,”

“personal spirituality,” and “end-of-life issues.” It evaluates a patient’s requirements, hopes, and

resources to determine which therapies will aid healing. Mike and his wife should have a spiritual

evaluation to see whether their spirituality has an impact on their medical treatment. Mike’s

medical treatment for their son’s illness and seeking faith healing. They believe they are betraying

God by opting for medical treatment. They require all forms of assistance, including spiritual

assistance, in order to make a decision.



Health. (n.d.). Retrieved from .

Tisch, A., & Meyer, S. C. (2020). Risks and opportunities of digitisation in the professional fields

of nursing, care and healing. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung,

Gesundheitsschutz, 63(6), 690-697.

Opalka, K. (2021). “On Healing”: Paul Tillich’s Contribution to Current Research on Resilience.

Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 7(2),


 assist, assistance (help): assistance  help

 assist, assistance (help): assistance  help

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