Approved Clinical Questions For PICOT Development List

Approved Clinical Questions For PICOT Development List

Implementing a clinical practice protocol/guideline for the management of hypertension] in [he homeless or population

Week 3: Assignment – Part 1: Introduction and Problem Statement


When a person’s blood pressure rises over the normal range, they are said to be suffering from hypertension. A person’s lifestyle and other living conditions might affect the severity and prevalence of the illness. Given their living circumstances, the homeless are more likely to suffer from hypertension (Bernstein et al., 2018). To deal with this group of people, efficient clinical practices are required. A clinical practice guideline is also critical to treating homelessness because of the increasing number of homeless people and the link between their condition and their living situations. For developing a clinical practice regimen for controlling hypertension among the homeless, training is the most crucial stage. To effectively handle the issue of homelessness among the homeless, professionals must understand the specific circumstances and challenges faced by these people. For homeless hypertensive patients, the diagnosis is the second most critical step in the treatment process. This patient group’s specific characteristics should be considered in the diagnosis. Because of this, it is necessary to study and use strategies specific to the homeless to treat the condition effectively. Patients with hypertension who are homeless might benefit from using clinical practice standards or recommendations. So, it assists in understanding and resolving issues from people’s points of view. As a result, homeless people are at a greater risk of exposure and severity to the condition (Kinchen & Wright, 2021). Consequently, these recommendations may prevent diagnostic mistakes and improve the care of these individuals.

Problem Statement

The use of clinical practice standards or protocols is critical in the management of diabetes. Even though symptoms are similar, homeless people are more likely to get infected and more likely to have a severe illness as a result. Clinical protocols for controlling hypertension among the homeless are currently lacking in research. As a result, the findings of this research will shed light on a variety of potential solutions to the problem moving ahead.


Bernstein, R. S., Meurer, L. N., Plumb, E. J., & Jackson, J. L. (2018). Diabetes and hypertension prevalence in homeless adults in the United States: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Public Health, 105(2), e46-e60,

Kinchen, K., & Wright, J. D. (2021). Hypertension management in health care for the homeless clinics: results from a survey. American Journal of Public Health, 81(9), 1163–1165.

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