A description of a current topic or development in nursing and an explanation of its significance to those outside of the field.

A description of a current topic or development in nursing and an explanation of its significance to those outside of the field.

Paper #1: A description of a current topic or development in your field (nursing) and an explanation of its significance to those outside of the field.
Audience: Students new to your major who have a curiosity or research interest in this particular topic but no prior specialized knowledge of the topic; your English 3311 teacher Length: at least 1,400 words, not counting references page There are two basic tasks to fulfill in this paper: – to describe this topic or development as clearly and concisely as possible for the specified audience; in other words, to educate your audience about this topic as thoroughly as possible given the space constraints. – to make a compelling, specific, and explicit case explaining obvious and not-so-obvious reasons this development is important to the world outside your major. It may help you to think in terms of a little role-playing to imagine how this assignment might match real-world expectations: You are doing research or making something closely related to this topic. Your company, department, or division needs funds to begin your research or project. To be awarded these funds, you need to go in front of a group of people and provide them some necessary background as they make their decision. This could be an internal or external group: a board of directors, a grant committee, a government agency, a venture capital firm, among other possibilities. You can’t assume (ever!) that every member of the group making the funding decision is familiar with your topic. We need to understand and be responsible for the terminology we use given the audience for whom we write.

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