The social effect of the opioid crisis.

The social effect of the opioid crisis.


The opioid crisis is a devastating social problem that has been plaguing the United States for years.

It is estimated that 115 people die every day from an opioid overdose, and it’s been linked with over 400,000 deaths since 1999.

The opioid crisis can cause numerous negative effects on society, including:

-Increased rates of crime in urban areas due to increased availability of opioids

-The spread of HIV/AIDS among intravenous drug users because they use needles to inject drugs such as heroin or methamphetamines.

-Increase in the number of babies born addicted to opioids because mothers who are addicted take drugs during pregnancy. This can lead to miscarriage or stillbirth in some cases; if the baby survives birth it may suffer from withdrawal symptoms shortly after birth (which can also lead to death).


The social effect of the opioid crisis.


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